Angel Tree connects incarcerated parents with their children at Christmastime with a gift that carries the parent’s personal message and the Gospel message.

“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.“
–Heb 13:3 ESV
How Angel Tree Christmas Works
Incarcerated parents nominate their children for a Christmas gift during the summer to Prison Fellowship. Prison Fellowship vets the applications and assigns them to churches and organizations near the children. Recipients of Angel Tree gifts are then eligible for a scholarship to attend a Christian summer camp, available annually until they turn 18 or their parent is released.
Organization Participation
Spokane Fatherhood Initiative has elected to participate in the Virtual Angel Tree process which serves children without a local church or organization sponsor. Folks who wish to participate may select a child through an online portal, purchase the gift online, and Angel Tree will deliver it to the child with the parent’s message and a Gospel message on behalf of the parent in prison.
The Impact
An Angel Tree Christmas 2024 gift may be the only connection a child has with their incarcerated parent all year. It can convey a parent’s love and play a significant role in family reunification upon the parent’s release. Reconnecting with their children is also crucial for returning citizens to reintegrate successfully and avoid reoffending.
Join Us, Make It an Angel Tree Christmas This Year
We’re committed to providing virtual gifts for at least 50 children. You can make a difference this Christmas by sponsoring a child through our Angel Tree portal.
Christmas 2024 Gifts
Your support is much appreciated 🙏