
SpoFI Designated Representative

Become a SpoFI Designated Representative (DR) and help us get the community involved. No training required, no initiation, no time commitment and you define how much time you can spend being a DR to help SpoFI achieve it’s mission. You may already be a SpoFI DR but haven’t let us know! So what is a SpoFI DR?

A SpoFI DR is just a person from a church, organization or agency who is passionate about the fatherhood issue who is willing to sign up with us as DR, attend our meeting occasionally, stay on our email list to stay informed about SpoFI activities and concerns and then champion those issues in your church, organization or agency by networking with your coworkers , friends and church members; posting SpoFI posters at your workplace, church bulletin board or in the community (coffee at Starbucks for instance) to help us get the word out about SpoFI.

If you’d like to become a SpoFI Designated Representative (or already are and haven’t told us) let us know.