SpoFI has partnered with the National Fatherhood Initiative to present their 24-7 Dad® evidence-based curriculum to our community.
Transform your fatherhood journey with our evidence-based 24-7 Dad® program
Designed for men who grew up without father figures and those aspiring to be great dads, this comprehensive course equips you with essential parenting and relationship skills.
SpoFI has partnered with the National Fatherhood Initiative to present their 24-7 Dad® evidence-based curriculum to our community.
24-7 Dad® Basic is designed for all dads including first time fathers or young men who desire to become fathers. This class is well suited for non-custodial fathers as well.
We also offer 24-7 Dad® Advanced to graduates of our 24-7 Dad® Basic classes for fathers who have some experience and seek to become better fathers.
We offer these classes regularly throughout the year at our offices with remote Zoom options available. Classes are kept small to allow for robust discussion and interaction between the fathers.
The 24-7 Dad®
Knows His Strengths and Weaknesses
Cares for Himself
Knows How to Father
Knows How to Parent
Builds Healthy Relationships with Family and Community
24-7 Dad® Basic
24-7 Dad® Basic Classes: Now in 3 Convenient Locations!
We’re expanding to serve you better! Choose the location that works best for you:
Many fathers in our community grew up without a father in their home. These men do not have the relationship and parenting tools they need to be effective, devoted fathers. For these men and those who aspire to be fathers someday, this evidence-based class teaches them basic fatherhood, parenting and relationship skills.
SpoFI offers this comprehensive class six time a year at our offices and, when needed, to remote students via Zoom. The class is taught in twelve, two-hour sessions.
24-7 Dad® Advanced is a more advanced and in-depth. This class challenges fathers to become the best Dads they can be. The course focuses on self-evaluation, relationships, parenting skills and co-parenting. It is designed for fathers who have experience and want to improve fathering skills. Enrollment is open to 24-7 Dad® Basic graduates and by approval by the instructor after reviewing an application.
This evidence-based curriculum is taught in twelve, two-hour sessions in a format similar to the 24-7 Dad® classes.
Tuition for this class is normally $900 however, through the generosity of our donors, or through our contract with WA State DCYF, we are able to offer this program at no cost to you.