
External Resources

Angel Tree

A Prison Fellowship Ministry, equips churches to strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children and support the families of prisoners year-round. Local contact in Spokane is Acts 519 Minstries

Abuse Recovery Ministry Services

Exists to bring healing and transformation, from a faith perspective, to those impacted by domestic violence and controlling relationships.

Christian Association of Youth Mentoring

Helps youths reach their God-given potential by assisting nonprofits and churches in starting and growing safe, effective, and sustainable mentoring programs.

Campus Crusade for Christ International

The U.S. ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International is an interdenominational Christian evangelism and discipleship ministry committed to giving people everywhere the opportunity to know and experience God’s love and plan for their lives.

Countdown To Growing Up Tool — by National Fatherhood Initiative

Track your children’s growth & development

A nifty tool offered by National Fatherhood Initiative to help visualize a child’s growth over time.

Cup of Cool Water

A safe space where youth and young adults experiencing homelessness can access essential services and empowering programs within a supportive community.

Embrace Washington

Committed to providing, caring and supporting children in foster care within our community by raising awareness of vulnerable children’s needs, and identifying how to meet those needs through connection with individuals and organizations with a heart to serve the foster care community.

The Gathering House

An Evangelical Covenant Church and cafe, committed to using its resources of space, time, and assets to create an environment where lives can be changed under the purposes and leadership of Jesus Christ, desiring to create a place where both believers in Christ and unbelievers can gather.

HRC Ministries

Teaching, training & equipping the Body of Christ for local missions in the areas of hunger, homelessness & sex trafficking.

Life Services

Since 1991, Life Services has been coming alongside women who are facing unplanned pregnancies, offering the practical, logistical, emotional and spiritual support needed for each unique situation. Through the power of Jesus Christ, we are often able to shine light into what might feel like a hopeless situation.

Sexuality Unmasked

A worldwide ministry dedicated to releasing God’s truth, healing, and restoration in the areas of sexuality and relationships.

Man in the Mirror

Serving pastors, equipping leaders and transforming men until every church is discipling every man.

Moody Radio

A Christian radio network that helps you take the next step in your journey with Jesus Christ by creating and delivering practical and life-changing content.

My Father’s House of Prayer

An abiding place for the spirit of prayer and the manifest presence of God in the Spokane area, through a 24-hour-a-day nonstop ministry of prayer, open to all of the Body of Christ.

Prison Fellowship

Remember those in prison. In prison education, reentry planning, reentry mentoring, Angel Tree. Local contact Acts 519 Ministries: Beyond the Razor Wire

Reclaim Project Recovery

We provide a transformational platform for men transitioning away from addiction, homelessness, and criminality. We create opportunities for life affirming activities and a culture of growth to strengthen emotional, spiritual, physical and social lives.

Safe Families for Children

An innovative collaboration between area churches, volunteers and child care professionals designed to support at-risk children and parents in need.

Shine 104.9FM Radio

Uplifting & Encouraging Christian Music for Spokane & Coeur d’Alene.

SRT Services

In-person and online healing groups to individuals who have experienced sexual abuse/assault, past abortion and/or a miscarriage/stillbirth as well as partnering with local Trauma Resource Centers (TRC) to provide SRT healing programs within their local community.

Union Gospel Mission

To end homelessness, we must go beyond free meals and safe beds to the underlying causes. Join us as we affirm each person’s value and offer a pathway to a different life.

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery

The Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery improves the lives of children by providing immediate refuge and safety and ongoing family support in an environment of unconditional love.

The Way of Business

Teaching God’s way of doing business and uniting community members to better serve the needs of people unable to provide for themselves.

The Whatever Girls

Empowering teen girls, supporting moms, and inspiring dads to put into practice the virtues of Philippians 4:8 through resources, products, and community.

Youth For Christ

is a local mission committed to reaching the youth and families living in Spokane’s most under-resourced neighborhoods with the love and hope of Jesus Christ.