
SpoFI Reentry Program: Helping Returning Citizens Succeed

SpoFI Reentry Program: Helping Returning Citizens Succeed

The Spokane Fatherhood Initiative (SpoFI) Reentry Program is dedicated to helping Returning Citizens (formerly incarcerated individuals) successfully transition back into the Spokane community after being released from state or federal prisons. Our program provides critical support and resources to promote successful reentry and reduce recidivism.

Through word-of-mouth referrals, in-prison counselors, family members, and Department of Corrections (DOC) reentry specialists, we connect with Returning Citizens ideally six months before their release. We also accept referrals from the Graduated Reentry (GRE) program, state and federal reentry centers, and help facilitate Sunday church attendance for residents of the Brownstone Reentry Center. Applicants are required to fill out a detailed application form for our review. Once reviewed and accepted, we assign a mentor to them who will help them develop a detailed reentry plan starting their first day. Upon release their mentor will work closely with them to make sure they are implementing their plan.

At SpoFI, we focus on addressing the key factors for successful reentry:

  • Stable housing
  • Reliable transportation
  • Communication access (cell phone)
  • Gainful employment
  • Healthy, supportive community connections
  • Visit DSHS to sign up for Social Services (Food Stamps, Health Insurance, etc)

Our team works closely with each Returning Citizen before release to develop a comprehensive, customized reentry plan. We provide hands-on assistance from the first day of release, ensuring individuals can meet essential requirements like checking in with probation officers and the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS).

To bridge gaps in services, SpoFI provides critical direct assistance:

  • A cell phones with 30 days of service for job searches and appointment scheduling that qualifies for the Federal low-income subsidy
  • Suitable housing starting on the day of release
  • Adequate clothing for job interviews and the first week in the community
  • Essential toiletries
  • Groceries to last until food stamp benefits begin
  • A 30-day bus pass for transportation to appointments and work

By addressing these fundamental needs, the SpoFI Reentry Program empowers Returning Citizens to focus on rebuilding their lives and becoming productive members of society. Our dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to support these individuals during the challenging transition back to the community.