SpoFI Fathers of the Year Nominations 2024

Cameron and son, Lincoln, with Fred and Ron

Update: Announcing the 2024 SpoFI Fathers of the Year Recipients

Nominations must be submitted in writing to the SpoFI President, Ron Hauenstein, or by using the below Nomination form.

Nominations Submittal Deadline - June 3, 2024

Nominations may be made by SpoFI Board and Advisory Board Members; 24-7 Dad® Alumni; current and past Dad2Dad group members; 24-7 Dad® Class Facilitators, Co-Facilitators and Observers.

Final Selection Committee shall be comprised of at least three members appointed by the SpoFI President, Ron Hauenstein.

There are two separate Father of the Year awards

  • Custodial Father of the Year–child or children live with the nominee
  • Non-Custodial Father of the Year–children do not live with nominee (for any reason including voluntary or mutual consent between biological parents)

Required Criteria for SpoFI Father of the Year

  • 24-7 Dad® Grad Basic (AM) or Advanced (PM)
    • Basic (AM) Class of Nov 22 (Graduated December 2022) (18 Mos) or earlier,  OR
    • Advanced (PM) Class of April 2023 (Graduated June, 2023) (12 Mos) or earlier, OR
    • Dad2Dad Graduate
  • Shown significant progress as a Dad since graduation
  • Clean and Sober
  • Stable living environment
  • Self supporting
  • Actively involved raising his own child(ren) or stepchild(ren)
  • Has not been a previous recipient of the SpoFI Father of the Year

Additional considerations

  • DCYF case closed (or none)
  • Active in church, attends regularly
  • Community involvement
  • 24-7 Dad® Alumni participation
  • Continuing involvement with SpoFI
  • Nomination narrative
