Excellent work, Cameron! We’re lucky to have you in the SpoFI family.

The following nomination was submitted by the co-chairs of the Spokane Fatherhood Initiative’s Alumni Committee, Andrew Ray and Lawrence Long.
We are writing to submit our nomination for Cameron Dietz to be recognized as the SpoFI Father of the Year 2023. To our knowledge, Cameron fulfills all the criteria set forth for this award, and his actions and devotion exemplify the principles of the 24-7 Dad® Program.
Cameron graduated from both 24-7 Dad® Basic & Advanced classes—and he was of the first graduating Dad2Dad class. He not only practices the program personally, but he also carries its message to other dads.
Since his graduation, Cameron has gone on to co-facilitate 24-7 Dad® Basic with Fred Dent for multiple flights. He also leads Fathering in 15™, mentoring fathers who cannot otherwise attend the regular 24-7 Dad® classes.
All interactions we’ve had with Cameron have been positive and uplifting. He seems always to be in good spirits and encourages the same from those around him. Likewise, we have observed him on many occasions with his son and the children of others—he has been kind, compassionate, and understanding toward all. Cameron truly epitomizes what it means to be an active and involved father.
Cameron has no cases with DCYF, and he is a proud Christian man. His faith plays an integral part in his life, and he attends church regularly. Cameron is also gainfully employed, providing a consistent source of income for his family. He strives to better his situation by attending higher education courses in the plumbing trade. Cameron has applied his knowledge of plumbing to help a dear friend of the program who found him to be effective and qualified as well as humorous and kind.
In his sparse free time, he delights in building computers and is widely known for his creative and scary haunted houses.
Cameron has not previously received the SpoFI Father of the Year award. However, his actions and achievements certainly warrant recognition. Apart from his personal development via SpoFI and dedication to his son, Cameron actively contributes to the 24-7 Dad® program by volunteering regularly and encouraging other fathers to strive for betterment.
His life is a testament to the transformative power of the 24-7 Dad® program. Cameron truly embodied the characteristics of a 24-7 Dad®…
–Knows His Strengths and Weaknesses
–Cares for Himself
–Knows How to Father
–Knows How to Parent
–Builds Healthy Relationships with Family and CommunityHe is an inspiration, and he continues to make a positive impact on our community.
Considering all these factors, we believe Cameron Dietz deserves to be recognized as the SpoFI Father of the Year.
Thank you for considering this nomination,
Lawrence Long and Andrew Ray
SpoFI Alumni Committee